Friday, April 30, 2010

April 2010 Reading

Considering how I’ve been feeling this month, I was surprised at how many books I read this month (although I did note that the page count was down from March, so I must have read shorter books this month). There were also two I skimmed very quickly to pick up the major plot points without reading the whole story, that that bumped things up too. All the same, I’m very pleased with myself. Still now reviews though, I’m sorry. I will try to get one done on Many Waters in the next few days since that’s for a specific challenge.

  1. The Ivory and the Horn – Charles de Lint (338pp)
    Newford, Book 6; Urban Fantasy; eBook; 7/10
  2. Except the Queen – Jane Yolen and Midori Snyder (371pp)
    Fantasy; Library Book; DNF
  3. A Civil Campaign – Lois McMaster Bujold (405pp)
    Vorkosigan, Book 12; SF; eBook; Reread; 9/10
  4. Winterfair Gifts – Lois McMaster Bujold (71pp)
    Vorkosigan, Book 12.5; SF; eBook; Reread; 9/10
  5. Howl’s Moving Castle – Diana Wynne Jones (304pp)
    Wizard Howl, Book 1; Fantasy; Children; Library Book; 8/10
  6. At Grave’s End – Jeaniene Frost (342pp)
    Night Huntress, Book 3; Urban Fantasy; eBook; 8/10
  7. Aiden’s Charity – Lora Leigh (223pp)
    Breeds, Book 11; Erotic Romance; Paranormal; eBook; 6/10
  8. Jacob’s Faith – Lora Leigh (257pp)
    Breeds, Book 12; Erotic Romance; Paranormal; eBook; 5/10
  9. Seeker – Jack McDevitt (384pp)
    Alex Benedict, Book 3; SF; eBook; 8/10
  10. Silver Borne – Patricia Briggs (342pp)
    Mercedes Thompson, Book 5; Urban Fantasy; 10/10
  11. Heart Mate – Robin D. Owens (340pp)
    Celta, Book 1; Fantasy; Romance; Reread; eBook; 7/10
  12. The Girl Who Chased the Moon – Sarah Addison Allen (269pp)
    Magic Realism, Library Book; 7/10
  13. Chicks Dig Time Lords – Tara O’Shea and Lynne M. Thomas (eds) (192pp)
    Non-Fiction; Media; 7/10
  14. The Iron KingJulie Kagawa (363pp)
    Iron Fey, Book 1; YA; Fantasy; eBook; 7/10
  15. Diplomatic Immunity – Lois McMaster Bujold (211pp)
    Vorkosigan, book 13; SF; eBook; Reread; 8/10
  16. Many WatersMadeleine L’Engle (310pp)
    Time Quintet, Book 4; Children; SF/Fantasy; Reread; 7/10

Best book of the month = Silver Borne
Biggest disappointment of the month = Jacob’s Faith and Aiden’s Charity

April Reading:
Books read this month = 14
Short Stories read this month = 1
Total reads this month = 15

10/10 reads this month = 1
DNFs this month = 1
New reads this month = 9
Rereads this month = 6
paper books : eBooks = 5 : 10  = 33 % : 66 %

Pages read this month = 338 + 405 + 71 + 304 + 342 + 223 + 257 + 384 + 342 + 340 + 269 + 192 + 363 + 211 + 310 = 4351

April Challenges Progress
Flashback Reading Challenge = 6
Big Book Challenge = 0
Once Upon a Time IV Challenge = 8

April List Progress
eBooks read = 10
SFF books read = 12
Library Books read = 2
Audiobooks listened to = 0

Friday, April 02, 2010

A poem for Good Friday


I don’t remember where I first saw this, and even more sadly, I don’t remember the poet’s name (if anyone recognises it, please do tell me). It’s short, it’s simple, it’s very New Zealand and it is something I remember every Good Friday. It’s something that speaks to me, for all its simplicity.

This year, I thought I would share.

Stark and dark upon a hill
Stood a tree whose dank timbers
Drank blood and infamy

Let titoki and the rata
And the great
Spread their red in memory

Thursday, April 01, 2010

March 2010 Reading

  1. Prophecy: Child of Earth – Elizabeth Haydon (736pp)
    Symphony of Ages, Book 2; Fantasy; 9/10
  2. Blackout – Connie Willis (491pp)
    SF; eBook; 8/10
  3. Fantasy in Death – J. D. Robb (368pp)
    Eve Dallas, Book 37; Futuristic; eBook; 8/10
  4. Shalador’s Lady – Anne Bishop (448pp)
    Black Jewels, Book 8; Fantasy; 10/10
  5. Devil Bones – Kathy Reichs (310 pp)
    Temperance Brennan, Book 11; Mystery; eBook; 6/10
  6. The Dead and the Gone – Susan Beth Pfeffer (321pp)
    Moon Crash, Book 2; YA; SF; Library Book; 7/10
  7. Memory – Lois McMaster Bujold (345pp)
    Vorkosigan, Book 9; SF; Reread; eBook; 10/10
  8. Komarr – Lois McMaster Bujold (320pp)
    Vorkosigan, Book 10; SF; Reread; eBook; 9/10
  9. Enchanted Glass – Diana Wynne Jones (331pp)
    YA; Fantasy; 8/10
  10. Archangel’s Kiss – Nalini Singh (352pp)
    Guild Hunter, Book 2; Fantasy; Romance; 8/10
  11. Acheron (Part II) – Sherrilyn Kenyon (293pp)
    Dark-Hunters, Book 15; partial read; Reread; eBook; 7/10
  12. A Swiftly Tilting Planet – Madeleine L’Engle (278pp)
    Time Quintet, Book 3; Children; SF; Reread; 10/10
  13. The American Heiress – Dorothy Eden (218pp)
    Fiction; Library Book; 7/10
  14. The Women of Nell Gwynne’s – Kage Baker (122pp)
    SF; Novella; Library Book; 6/10
  15. The Line – Teri Hall (220pp)
    The Line, Book 1; YA; SF; Library Book; 7/10

Best book of the month = Shalador’s Lady
Biggest disappointment of the month = Devil Bones

March Reading:
Books read this month =  13
Short Stories read this month = 2
Total reads this month = 15

10/10 reads this month = 3
DNFs this month = 0
New reads this month = 10
Rereads this month = 5
paper books : eBooks = 9 : 6  = 60 % : 40 %

Pages read this month = 736 + 491 + 368 + 448 + 310 + 321 + 345 + 320 + 331 + 352 + 293 + 278 + 218 + 122 + 220 = 5153

March Challenges Progress
Flashback Reading Challenge = 5
Big Book Challenge = 1
Once Upon a Time IV Challenge = 2

March List Progress
eBooks read = 6
SFF books read = 13
Library Books read = 4
Audiobooks listened to = 0