Monday, March 22, 2010

February 2010 Reading

I had really hoped I might get caught up with reviews before posting my February reading, but it’s almost the end of March now, and it just isn’t going to happen. As always, I started the year with great hope that I’d keep up. It’s nice to be able to share my thoughts on the books I read. But I haven’t been feeling well and I can’t manage it at the moment. I will try to get a bit further caught up, but I’m going to post this before I have two full months worth of reading waiting in my drafts instead of just one.

  1. The Ask and the Answer – Patrick Ness (519pp)
    Chaos Walking, Book 2; YA SF; 8/10
  2. The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie – Alan Bradley (304pp)
    Flavia de Luce, Book 1; Mystery; Library Book; 7/10
  3. Doctor Who: The Writer’s Tale – Russell T. Davies and Benjamin Cook (512 pp)
    Non-Fiction; Media; Library Book; 9/10
  4. Doubleblind – Ann Aguirre (320pp)
    Sirantha Jax, Book 3; SF; eBook; 8/10
  5. Magic Under Glass – Jaclyn Dolamore (240pp)
    Fantasy; YA'; Library Book; 7/10
  6. A Wind in the Door – Madeleine L’Engle (203pp)
    Time Quintet, Book 2; Children; SF; Reread; 7/10
  7. This Alien Shore – C. S. Friedman (576pp)
    SF; 9/10
  8. Life As We Knew It – Susan Beth Pfeffer (352pp)
    Moon Crash, Book 1; SF; YA; Library Book; 9/10
  9. Ace of Cakes – Duff Goldman (256pp)
    Non-Fiction; Library Book; 7/10

Best book of the month = This Alien Shore
Biggest disappointment of the month = The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie

February Reading:
Books read this month = 9
Short Stories read this month = 0
Total reads this month = 9

10/10 reads this month = 0
DNFs this month = 0
New reads this month = 8
Rereads this month = 1
paper books : eBooks = 7 : 2 = 78 % : 22 %

Pages read this month = 519 + 304 + 512 + 320 + 240 +203 + 576 + 352 + 256 = 3282

February Challenges Progress:
Flashback Reading Challenge = 1
Big Book Challenge = 3
Sci Fi Experience = 6

February List Progress:
eBooks read = 1
SFF books read = 5
Library Books read = 5
Audiobooks listened to = 0

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