Monday, July 30, 2007

I stitched tonight

Poor Dave now has the terrible cold I was suffering from over the weekend. He and Marcus were both in bed and asleep by a little after 8pm tonight.

I had the house and the evening to myself.

I settled in the lounge with "Defender of the Kingdom" on my scroll rods and "Northern Lights" (Nora Roberts) on the mp3 player and happily got about an hour's stitching done.

I thought I'd better stop then and not push myself too much, but I have some more nice navy background blobbiness done and more of my book listened to.

It's left me feeling very satisfied and relaxed. While I certainly don't wish sickness on anyone (it really it a horrible cold, I know cause I've been there and done that with it), I hope I can get a few more evenings like this in as I think it's very good for me to relax without being on the computer or obsessing about how much of my latest book I got read.

I'll wait until the five hours are up for a photo though since the progress isn't all the exciting to see at this point.

1 comment:

Annie Bee said...

Kerry glad to see you got some ME time. I hope that your family is soon on the mend.