Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Yay, I have my book.

My darling, tech-savvy husband saw my blog post earlier in the day about not being able to buy Rebels and Lovers. After checking the situation out with me when he got home, he made a suggestion.

In the end, we had to use his home computer, to allow him to connect remotely to his work computer, which allowed him to connect remotely to a server he has a share in, based in Texas.

We loaded up the ebook retailer website and it let me buy my book without a murmur, happily taking my money in the process.

When I came up to my own computer, it was still telling me I shouldn’t be able to download without providing a US or Canadian credit card number. I know that one’s fallible. All I have to do is access my bookshelf directly through Stanza on my iPhone and it downloads to that device like a charm.

Then, going back to my laptop again, the file is now perfectly happy for me to download it to my own hard drive as a backup in case something happens to the version on the phone or I want to read it on my laptop for some reason.

So, HA! We did it. And we paid for it. In such a way that all the right people get paid as they should be paid.

But le sigh, it was extremely complicated and stressful (both things I don’t need) and common sense says that surely it shouldn’t have been those things.

I’ve said it here before, but I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hate Geographic restrictions on ebooks.


Unknown said...

If there's no HTTPS or Flash involved, I may have an easier alternative for the next time. Contact me at sraun at fireopal dot org.

Janicu said...

Dude. This sounds really complicated for an ebook. So.. are you liking it? I was a fan of the hero being a geek in this one.

Kerry said...

Janicu ~ I haven'th ad a change to start it yet, but the geek hero really appeals to me too.

trinalin said...

Good grief. It's great he was able to find a way to purchase.

I find all regional locks very frustrating. If I want to buy a UK DVD, I shouldn't have to have a DVD player that's "hacked" to view it. You shouldn't have to jump through hoops just to purchase a book. We live in a global community now, publishers et al need to grow up and realize that.

orannia said...

Talk about jumping through hoops...am glad you were able to purchase the book!