Tuesday, November 11, 2008

2008 Challenges Update

As much as I enjoy reading about the many and varied book challenges around the blogsphere, I tend to avoid joining them.  My reason for this is simple - if I put too much pressure on myself about my reading it stops being fun and I get all stressed about it.  Since I tend to find my TBR stress enough, I try not to make it worse.

So I only joined two challenges in 2008 and had a 50% success rate.

The challenge was to read a minimum of three books featuring dragons.  I managed five and enjoyed myself reading books on what is a favourite topic anyway. [list] [wrap up]

Here the challenge was to finish three books that were already on-going unfinished reads.  Sadly, of the three I only managed to complete one and as the end date is the 15th November (ie 4 days away) I know I won't be getting either of the other two finished in time.  I still hope to complete them at some point, but I didn't make it in the time frame of the challenge. [list]

I'm already tempted by some of the 2009 challenges appearing, but so far plan to go with just two that I'm pretty confident I can manage to complete.  We'll see if anything else wins me over.

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