Sunday, March 12, 2006

That picture at last

Dave had a chance to photograph The Ice Dragon's Kingdom for me today. Here's where I got to during the Winter Olympics.

The colours are all darker here than real life - it's all just a little softer, but with all the sharp contrast it's really hard to get a good photo.

I loved getting to stitch Alpine again and love it at the same time, but I think I got a bit carried away about how much I thought I'd get done and I started to do this tight focus thing I do where something is the only thing I want to pay attention to. Bad enough when you've only got a husband to ignore, worse when you have a two year old who doesn't just want your attention but needs it too.

So I need to pace myself better and be satisfied with whatever progress I make.

Part of the problem is that I'm starting to imagine all the other Chatelaines I could stitch (can we say "Pompeii" and I haven't even seen it yet - maybe I'll hate it) and that means I need to finish Alpine first so I think I want to stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch to the exclusion of all else. I couldn't do that even if I tried and it wouldn't actually be a good idea. All the same, the inner border for part 7 is done, I've done the waterfall at the top and started on the trees.


Nicki said...

Hey you did loads! And it sounds like Alpine is coming along nicely too :)

Tempewytch said...

All the pics look really good! and youi seem to be doing really well on this one :-)

Have fun on the next stage!

The Dragon

fudgey said...

Goodness you did a lot didn't you...

i am glad Alpine garden seems to be back on track too...
i know how much you love that design, and you have been doing a lovely job on it...