Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Well, that was a surprise

I'm feeling a little better now. Things seem to have settled down to the way I felt when I had morning sickness (and before anyone suggests it, I know I'm not pregnant). So not nice, a kind of perpetual state of queasiness, but at least I feel vaguely human again.

I spent a quiet day with Marcus at daycare today (apart from the interlude, where I had to go and get him, treat him for headlice - which really, really stinks when you've already got a grumbly tummy - and take him back again). I watched some TV and caught up on watching CSI and CSI: New York, which I have to watch when Marcus isn't around as they've got pretty graphic with the gore these days.

I wanted to stitch something simple and not too complicated and I'd got out my Celtic Horse to do just that. To my surprise, I found myself working on Mirabilia's Cinderella instead. I'd thought to put this away as a UFO for a while, and instead here I am stitching it and loving it. I've hardly done any (I've put the link back in the sidebar if you want to see where it was up to yesterday) so any progress seems significant. Now I have a little bit of castle and some lighted windows as well as a few trees.

I think I'll keep working on this as I get back on top of my health. It's going to be really pretty (I'm doing it on Evening Dreams from Silkweaver so it's fairly dramatic) and I'm glad to discover I'm stitching on it again.


fudgey said...

I bet that was a surprise..
i think you are stitching her on the perfect fab....
glad you are feeling better

Mel in Dubai said...

I like how Cinderella is looking on that fab!

Glad to hear you are kind of feeling better too :)