Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Book in the Mail

Yay, I got a new book in the mail today. What a nice surprise, as I’d completely forgotten it was coming. I won a copy of Mary Stewart’s Madam, Will You Talk? from Angie over at Angieville.

Stewart, Mary - Madam, Will You Talk I’ve always loved Mary Stewart’s books, although it is years since I’ve read one. This, however, is not one I either own or have read, so I decided to forget about the TBR mountain an started in right away. I’ve only read the first chapter so far, but I’d forgotten how evocative Stewart’s writing just can be. In that first chapter she’s already given me a detailed feeling for the main character, her friend, the hotel where they are staying and several of the other characters.

It’s making me want to go on a Mary Stewart reread, but I guess I should finish this one first, shouldn’t I?


orannia said...

YAH! That's fantastic news - that you won the book and that you're enjoying it :)

Jennie said...

Yay! I've always loved Madam, Will You Talk. It's one of the most action-packed of her books. Enjoy it!