Monday, December 31, 2007

Stitching Schedule 2008

It's New Year's Eve here now, so I've updated the sidebar to include my stitching plans for 2008. I decided to drop the "Almost UFOs" category as the whole point is to make progress without stressing myself. So now it is focus projects most of the time, plus QS Garnet on Wednesdays, Defender of the Kingdom on the second weekend and Dawn Star on the third weekend.

I'm also stressing to myself that if I don't follow this, it doesn't matter. It is a guideline not a rule!


fudgey said...

good to see you are giving yourself permission to not worry about reaching goals etc..
you have joined the no resolutions and goals idea i decided to go with
far less stress that way...
I believe there is nothing to gain from setting ones self up to fail..

hope you have a healthy and fun 2008!

Andie said...

Sounds like a great way to set goals! *hugs*

~~~***HAPPY NEW YEAR***~~~