Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Third Guild Friendship Sampler

Third Guild Friendship Sampler
Originally uploaded by rocalisa.

The third sampler band I've stitched for my Embroiderer's Guild Friendship Sampler. Personally these aren't my kind of colours so I found this one a bit more difficult when it came to choosing a stitch etc.

In the end I did a row of rice stitch (second up from the bottom) and then used the bright pink for the divider band. Unfortunately I didn't read the diagrams properly for the divider at first and I had it almost all stitched before I realised I'd done it wrong and had to pull it all out and start again. Still, it's done now.


Nicki said...

You've done a nice job but... you know what I think! If you ignore the yellow divider band and everything above it it looks quite nice though ;)

fudgey said...

you have done a great job kerry
we are always more critical of our own work as i know only too well