Thursday, April 06, 2006

"Study" original art

This is primarily for etitameh, who asked to see the original art of Howard Faria's "Study".

(And here is a link to the chart if anyone wants to compare.)


Anonymous said...

thank you, thank you! she is indeed beautiful

fudgey said...

goodness Kerry the two are almost identical,
exceptional charting... but hey i already know that... {{hugs}}

Kerry said...

Thank you Fudgey.

To make it look clean, simple and right, this was actually one of the hardest and most time consuming charts I've done. That's why there hasn't been another one yet.

Maybe one day. If I have lots of energy.

fudgey said...

I hope so... cos it is lovely and you really have done a great job...

i can't wait for my 1 hour a week on her.....