Friday, May 11, 2007

Personal TBR Challenge

I've found myself a whole lot of wonderful book blogs to read and I'm wasting lots of book reading time doing a lot of blog reading instead.

I see a lot of reading challenges that fascinate me, but with my health being as unpredictable as it is, I'm not really prepared to join up to those and then get stressed if I can't manage it.

So I'm setting up one for myself. I'm going to make a list of five books from my TBR and challenge myself to read a minimum of one of them this month. Next month, I start with the same list, adding any more I need to make the number back up to five and do the same thing - read a minimum of one for the month. Etc. Etc. Etc.

I'm hoping this will help me tackle the TBR without stressing myself too much. It also isn't cheating to add a book group (most likely FantasyFavorites) book to the list, even if that's the only one from the monthly list I actually manage to read.

So for May (and yes, I know I'm starting a bit late here), the list is:

  1. Song of the Beast - Carol Berg
  2. Queen of the Darkness - Anne Bishop
  3. Games of Command - Linnea Sinclair
  4. Sky Coyote - Kage Baker
  5. Persuasion - Jane Austen

1 comment:

Kim said...

I think your list is a great idea. I find computer time eating into a lot of my free time too. It's hard to find a balance.

I may have to borrow your idea :) I'm sure I can get through one book a month.

Happy reading!