Tuesday, May 13, 2008

CFS Again - Guilt

After making my earlier post, I discovered that rachaelcreative is promoting Blog for ME/CFS Awareness Day and hosting a collection of links to people's posts for the day. It's been interesting to read what people have to say - or more accurately, skim what people have to say as I'm not comprehending fully today. It made me realise I have something more I want to say. Something that no-one else seems to have mentioned specifically but the feeling of it is there.

That something is guilt. More accurately, misplaced guilt.

You see, along with everything else, I feel guilty all the time.

I feel guilty that the house isn't tidy and the beds aren't made.
I feel guilty that I don't give my husband enough care and attention.
I feel guilty of the stresses I put on him because three of us have to live on his single income.
I feel guilty that I don't spend enough active time with my son.
I feel guilty that it is such a relief when he goes to daycare so I can go back to bed.
I feel guilty that I don't spend time with him painting and playing and reading books and all those things.
I feel guilty that I don't take him for walks and show him the world.
I feel guilty that I have to use (very expensive) petrol to go anywhere because I need to use the car.
I feel guilty that my husband does almost all the household chores when it should be my job.
I feel guilty that he has to feed the cat and the child and me as well.
I feel guilty when he comes home from work and my dirty dishes for the day are still on the bench.
I feel guilty when he takes our son out for a few hours on his own every weekend so I can have a sleep.
I feel guilty that I don't have a job.
I feel guilty that I don't go out with friends more.
I feel guilty that I don't keep up with Character Creations properly.
I feel guilty when I feel tired.
I feel guilty when the end of the day arrives and all I've done - again - is sleep.

You get the idea. Basically, I feel guilty because I'm sick. I didn't choose to be sick and I shouldn't feel guilty about it. But I do.

So along with all the physical and mental ME/CFS symptoms, I think guilt needs to be added to the list.

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