Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Catching Up On Some Book Comments - Mar 07

Thunderbird Falls - C. E. Murphy (6/10)Really, all I can say is "Meh". Not bad, but certainly not great either. I read the first half, then got kind of bored and skim read to the end. It's a very good premise, but I don't think the execution works for me.

Born to be BAD - Sherrilyn Kenyon (5/10)
Pointless really, but kind of fun. Just a quick time filler for me.

Date Me Baby, One More Time - Stephanie Rowe (8/10)
Silly, but fun.

Blood Price - Tanya Huff (9/10)
A story that stands up beautifully even 15 years after it was written. I thoroughly enjoyed this reread and may have to go on with rereading the rest of the series now. My only problem was that I kept expecting the characters to pull out cell phones and they didn't all have them.

Full Moon Rising - Keri Arthur (DNF)
Lots of people recommended this book (and the series it begins) to me and it certainly sounded like something I would enjoy. There was nothing wrong with what I read either, I just didn't get captured enough by it to continue. I have been told that it takes a while to get going, so on another occasion when I more in the mood, I suspect I might get further and find I really liked it. But for now I'm putting it aside until that other occasion.

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